Wednesday, February 21, 2007

nurse sylar!

omg guyz! ive been busy werkin on my blog n such but now ive nurseed mohindy back 2 health! hes been sick but now hes as strong as a star quarterback that 1 day i wud hope 2 marry. and its all thanks 2 my nurse werk lol!

wut wuz rong with him u ask? well lets just say he doesnt have a strong tummy 4 violence like sylarz does! hes been puking n sweating like a svetlana in a fat camp! i think he wuz in shock or sumthing. that iz totally my diagnosis. 2 bad i haf no idea wut im talking about lol.

it all went hrrbly rong wen he saw my handywork w/ bizzaro sylar aka dale the boy girl. he cudnt handle himself n wuz stumbling all over the place like me on 3 wine coolers!!!

newayz ive been watching over him but he hasnt gotten ne better so i like had 2 do sumthing! well cing as how im actually a prty bad nurse (i wuz practicin sewing on a cut of mine once n totally lost the needle inside of it. hmmm it wuz a cut on my skull this cud like xplain a lot of things lol) i only realy new how 2 do 1 thing! n thats a sponge bath.

i got my water n sponges all rdy. mohindy wuz asleep n trembling. i unbuttoned mohindys shirt omg wut a chest he had! i started 2 undo his fly and...mohindy woke up! it wuz totally like a miracle! he wuz kinda confused by wut i wuz doing so i xplained n offered 2 give him the bath newayz. he turned me down :(

but thats ok! i totally did it! i totally nursed him back 2 health. he didnt say "ur totally my hero" wich i xpected but thats ok 2. hes back n rdy 2 go n we kin go out on adventures again! yay!

o by the way wut do u guys think of my knew look on the blog??


Anonymous said...

i got my water n sponges all rdy. mohindy wuz asleep n trembling. i unbuttoned mohindys shirt omg wut a chest he had! i started 2 undo his fly and...mohindy woke up!

NOOOO! God, WHY did you have to stop there? That was turning into such a nice story! Now you just totally ruined it for me. (;_;) I DEMAND PICTURES, OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! (ò_ó)

Love the new blog look. It's very happy! (^_^)


Mr. Bennet said...

I hate it!

JB said...

The new blog is fabulous! I love the colors!

Anonymous said...

mr glasses is just saying he hates it because he wubs you so dern much!

Jenny said...

I absolutley love it. It's totally you!!! OMG!

Anways, my FAVORITE post is "calling my mom gosh!!"

You should comment my blog more often because I wuf you so damn much!