Friday, February 16, 2007

101 wayz to cook a brain!

hi guyz! latly ive been thinking about my dream! no not my dream to be special or cheer or be with mohinder but anuther dream! a dream 2 be a famous cook were i teach peeps how 2 prepare the bestest dish of all! wut u ask? i think u no. brainz of course!

i already rote a book on the subject u may have seen in profile caleled 101 wayz to eat a brain. i rote it on scraps of toilet paper that my daddy stuffed in my mouth wen i wuz a bad boy. well i think itz abut time 2 adapt my masterpeace 2 the screen!

the funny thing iz, it doesnt really matter wut u cook a brain w/ they taste good prepared ne way. raw boiled broiled fried deep fried jerked poached baked itz all good! in fact u could prolly even roll the brain round in sum shards of glass n it wud still taste great! lol ive totally dun that b4.

newayz if i had a 1st eppie id have a simple recipe. dont wanna do nething that overtakes the brainz flava! so we throw r brain in a pot.

lol doesnt that look like so yummy! wut is it u ask? well its burning sugar water lol! i guess sum peeps wud call it carmel. wut do u think were making in this yummy concocshun. its a candy apple brainz style! mmm mmm! a candy brain! shove sum kind of sharp stick in that supple brain flesh and dig in! u made a tastey treat! espec good 4 around halloween. u can trick kids in2 eating them around that time lol.

so newayz that wud be my idea 4 my 1st show. if i wuznt so busy killing peeps and becoming special i may make a show like this. so wut do u guys think? once i settle down after my adventures r dun do i have a shot w this???


Anonymous said...

OMG so TOTALY publish taht! the brain in the pic lookz so yummy!

mmmm candy brain.

Jenny said...

I'm going to take your tips and make a brain meal for the family. Thanks so much mr. Brainz.

Anonymous said...

I'd totally eat that as long as it didn't move. I'll eat anything as long as it doesn't make noise if I poke it.